
Salt: Review (w/ Giveaway)

Title: SALT
Author: Danielle Ellison
Release Date: January 7, 2014
Publisher: Entangled Teen
Source: ARC for a blog tour (Rockstar Book Tours)

Summary & Cover

Penelope is a witch, part of a secret society protecting humans from demon attacks. But when she was a child, a demon killed her parents—and stole her magic. Since then, she’s been pretending to be something she’s not, using her sister’s magic to hide her own loss, to prevent being sent away.

When she’s finally given the chance to join the elite demon-hunting force, Penelope thinks that will finally change. With her sister’s help, she can squeeze through the tests and get access to the information she needs to find "her" demon. To take back what was stolen.

Then she meets Carter. He’s cute, smart, and she can borrow his magic, too. He knows her secret—but he also has one of his own.

Suddenly, Penelope’s impossible quest becomes far more complicated. Because Carter’s not telling her everything, and it’s starting to seem like the demons have their own agenda…and they’re far too interested in her.
Purchase Salt 
Secrets. Secrets. Secrets! I loved how all of the secrets and hidden information slowly made its way though the story. So many secrets!

Penelope is our main character. She had lost her witch's essence when she was little when her parents were killed by a demon and that same demon tried to kill her. She is able to tap into magic while any of her family members are around. When she meets a new person...a booooyyyyy...she is also able to tap into her magic.

The boy is Carter. And let me tell ya girls, I adored me some Carter. 

Exhibit number 1:"I see you, Pen" he says, his hands holding firm to my cheeks. "You're the sun and the moon and the stars -- impossible to miss." (p. 285 in the ARC. Subject to change in the final version) (but I hope not!)

Once Carter and Penelope meet, they are instantly drawn together. Not in a romantic way, but in a power kind of way. They each feel the other when their powers are used. They both have secrets and they use the secrets to help one another.

The book actually reminds me a bit of the fantastic show, Charmed. Some of the terminology, special powers, demons (more on that when you read the book!!!) really stood out and made me love it and had me reminiscing of one of my favorite and most missed TV shows. :)

Penelope's snark was fantastic! Carter taking the snark and tossing it right back was even better. Of course there was kissing that I loooooved! There were several times I laughed. Out loud!

Ellison had me hooked from page 1.
"Gran always told us not to leave home without salt in our pocket." (p. 1 in the ARC)

I am definitely looking forward to getting more of Penelope and Carter's story. This book seemed to only break the surface of what could be out there and ready to happen to them!

A review copy was provided. All thoughts are my own and I have not been persuaded in any way.
About the Author
Danielle Ellison is from a small town in West Virginia. She spent her childhood pretending to fly and talking to imaginary friends. When she grew up, she finally flew away (in an airplane) and started traveling the world. She hasn’t stopped yet, but someday she may decide to settle in one place. Her real life friends would definitely like that; they would probably also like if she stopped talking to her characters out loud.

SALT comes out in August 2013, and then it's sequel. In October 2014, FOLLOW ME THROUGH DARKNESS (book one of the BOUNDLESS Trilogy) comes out. She's got a busy few years! 
1 SALT Necklace US Only
3 eBooks of SALT International

Tour Schedule
Week 1:
12/30/2013- Bibliophilia, Please- Guest Post 
12/30/2013- Lost in Ever After- Review
12/31/2013- Shortie Says- Interview
12/31/2013- Dizneeee's World of Books- Review
1/1/2014- Whimsically Yours- Guest Post
1/2/2014- Chasm of Books- Review
1/2/2014- The Demon Librarian- Review
1/3/2014- Jenuine Cupcakes- Interview
1/3/2014- Such A Novel Idea- Review

Week 2:
1/6/2014- Page Turners- Guest Post
1/6/2014- Musings of a Blogder -Review
1/7/2014- IceyBooks - Guest Post 
1/7/2014- Donnie Darko Girl - Review
1/8/2014- Reading Teen- Guest Post
1/8/2014- In the Best Worlds- Review
1/9/2014- Allodoxophobia- Playlist
1/9/2014- Pieces of Whimsy- Review
1/10/2014- A Book and a Latte- Interview
1/10/2014- The Busy Bibliophile- Review


  1. Hi Danielle!!! Excellent story! I hope she gets the boy AND her powers back:)) Have a safe and Happy New Year!

  2. This book sounds good i cant wait to read it and find out what happens!!!! thanks for the giveaway!!!!!

  3. This book really sounds like it has such a great story!! And it really seems like Carter and Penelope seem great together!

  4. Wow, the blurb for Salt sounds amazing. It also seems to be quite different from all the other books about witches.

  5. I loved your review. I can't wait to read salt. Thanks for the giveaway.

  6. I keep hearing all these great things about Salt. Guess I need to read it. The concept is super intriguing. Even more excited since you compared it to Charmed. The first 3 seasons were my fav. Thanks for the giveaway.
